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Friday, April 16, 2010

Hooked For Life Ministries

Ten years ago Trevor Ruble was working part time for the Virginia Department of Fish and Game’s fishing division as a contract writer and trainer.  The job entailed writing curriculum and traveling around the state to train fishing educators.  It was a cool job, and he really enjoyed meeting new people and working with them.

Then Trevor was asked to work for them full time.  “It was a great opportunity,” Trevor explained, “but I felt God tugging at me to create materials churches could use instead.  I was sitting in an interview for the state job, which was more a formality than anything, and I felt the Spirit telling me this was not where He wanted me to be.”  The game department had already told Trevor he had the job, but he knew God had another purpose.  “I know it sounds crazy to some,” he said, “but I wanted to do what would honor God.  Working with the state I would not have been able to do that.”

So Trevor declined the job offer and started a fishing ministry called Hooked For Life Ministries.  His training as a teacher, his love for fishing, and experience writing fishing curriculum laid the foundation for creating the HFL materials for churches.  Using the Hooked for Life materials, churches across the United States are reaching kids and adults through fishing.  As the HFL website indicates, fishing and faith share many characteristics.  One reason why Hooked For Life has been so successful in reaching many souls is because fishing is not considered a church activity, which can open doors to those who may have had unpleasant experiences in formal religious settings.   

Trevor is uncomfortable taking the credit for the success of Hooked For Life Ministries.  “The way I see it, “he says, “HFL belongs to God.  I just feel honored that He used me and allows me to be a part of it.”  As a personal friend of Trevor’s, I feel honored that God has allowed me to know such a wonderful person and witness the work Trevor and others around the country are doing to win souls for Christ.  

To learn more about Hooked For Life check out the website at   You can also contact Trevor personally through the site if you or someone you know would like to be part of a unique and growing outreach for the Lord.


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