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Saturday, June 12, 2010

Been A While

I guess there has been a little excitement going on here lately.  My dad had a mild heart attack, but is doing fine now.  My wife had a spot of skin cancer taken off her nose.  It was the basal cell type.  I'm not sure if I spelled that right though spell check didn't nail me on it.  :)  Ben is growing like a weed.  He is all legs now.

I took my daughter and two nephews out fishing the other day to a local reservoir and let them paddle my canoe around for several hours.  They did more splashing, laughing and yelling than fishing, but they had a good time.  One bass was caught by my nephew.  I had one bass on which got off, and then something took my bait but I did not give it enough time to get it all in its mouth so the hook did not set.  At least I'm figuring out what to do a little bit at that particular place.

I've been thinking about what to do with this blog.  I'm just writing some stuff that is mainly only interesting to myself.  Yeah, it gives me something to do, but it isn't useful to anyone.  I have three going now.  One, I pretty much gave up on, and the other is a fictitious diary of a man in the future after the Lord has done away with this world.  It tells of some exploits of the character, mostly supernatural stuff, and I enjoy it.  My intention is to give Believers some things to think about that would excite them about our eternal future, and to give unbelievers a look into things that would make them want to be saved.  I do not know if it is doing either.  I only have one friend who checks it out that I know of.  He seems to enjoy it.

I have lots of things on my mind about this old world.  I am tired of it.  Unless a person has a wheelbarrow full of cash he cannot do anything.  It takes so much money for gas, and then the government requires taxes, licenses, fees, and permits just to enjoy the things God made.  I can't even put an electric motor on my canoe and use it unless I buy a license and put a bunch of numbers on the side of it.  Then there is corruption everywhere you go.  From the federal all the way down to the local government people are working to take away our money and our freedoms.  There is no accountability anymore for politicians nor for big businesses.  You can't get anyone on the phone that can do anything about complaints.  All you get is some sucker sitting in a cubicle who says, "I'll make a note of that in your records."  Nothing is ever done about anything.

I could go on about that kind of stuff for hours, but what is the use.  God told us in His word, the Bible, it would be like this toward the end.  I find myself torn between two things these days.  As an American citizen I hate to see this country destroyed by a handful of socialists.  They like to call themselves liberal progressives, but that is just to cover up what they really are.  With illegal aliens coming in by the droves every day and our government turning a blind eye to the ILLEGAL part and giving them more rights and handouts than a citizen can ever even dream of getting, that alone is taking a huge toll on us.  And I believe our leaders want it to.  They want this country as we know it to fail so we can integrate with the rest of the world.  So on one hand I get very angry about that, but on the other hand I rejoice knowing the time is near when the Lord will take us Believers out of here.  I just hope it is soon.

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